Arthur Mitchell
Arthur Mitchell is Executive Director for the STEM Equity Alliance, a nonprofit dedicated to three goals: creating systems where STEM subjects are taught using culturally responsive pedagogical approaches; increasing the diversity of STEM educators; and creating a more durable STEM pipeline for groups which are underrepresented in STEM career fields. He also collaborates with educational institutions through his consulting group, Catalysis Education Solutions. Catalysis partners to develop systems and leaders that are culturally proficient and equity-focused. In addition to his work with the schools and districts, he is a member of the Pennsylvania State STEM Advisory Committee and serves on the advisory board for Washington State LASER.
He has served in K-12 education for over 25 years, working in the most impoverished urban and the most affluent suburban districts in the Mid-Atlantic region as a teacher and administrator. Outside of direct district experiences, he has also held positions at the county and state level dealing with curriculum, instruction, professional development, innovation, industry and higher education partnerships, and charter school support. Arthur gained his most valuable experiences in learning how to plan and deliver effective professional development as a fellow in the WestEd National Academy for Math and Science Leadership. He also became skilled in influencing policy through being a fellow in the Pennsylvania Education Policy Fellowship Program and as a member of the Council of State Science Supervisors.
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